Why you need to digitalize your restaurant ?

Restaurants in France: Challenges and issues

In 2015, restaurants and accommodations accounted for over 280,000 businesses throughout France. Yet, this figure is only 6% of all companies.

In fact, according to a study by Inkidata in 2015, France has around 180,000 restaurants, where 10% are located in Paris.

In 2016, the French restaurants’ evolution was low with 7%. As a result, the restaurant sector was ranked 5th in terms of importance of evolution compared to other sectors.

This is due to various economic difficulties which led to a 4.5% decline in restaurant activity compared to 2015.

40% of restaurateurs reported that their revenues decreased compared to the previous year. But only 25% of restaurants had a higher turnover than in 2014.

According to Inkitada, most restaurants have indicated that tax burden is the most significant obstacle to income declines.

Then, we find the regulatory barriers that prevent restaurateurs from ensuring the desired development on the market.

In other respects, 77% of restaurateurs revealed that the lack of customers is a threat to their business.

In fact, the ongoing search to get a new clientele while keeping the current clientele is a daily challenge for restaurant owners.

The difficulty of this challenge is due to increased competition in the sector, and to the low financial capacity of entrepreneurs.

With all its difficulties, entrepreneurs in the catering sector are always looking for practical and inexpensive solutions. They are looking to keep their financial stability as a first step, and to develop the business second.

Despite this sector’s importance, the restaurant is in a vicious circle:

The question then for restaurants, is how to find the balance between a low investment and a bigger return on investment to generate more traffic towards the restaurant?

The answer is digital.

It’s vague, yes! But it’s the real answer.

To begin, you must have visibility on the Internet. In fact, it should be noted that customer behavior has transformed because of the Internet.

Most consumers do their research on the web to learn about a brand, consult reviews to make their decision.

The Internet user is spending more time between websites and social networks, especially with the increasing use of smartphones to connect.

By improving your web presence, users become familiar with your brand, and interact with your content.

This behavior creates opportunities for your brand at the level of customer acquisition and retention.

The visibility of your restaurant on the Internet can take many forms such as through a website, in specialized directories or on social networks.

To understand how you can manage your presence across these three channels, we have prepared an article to explain each channel. You need to optimize your web presence to generate more traffic to your restaurant with a low investment.

It should be noted that to reach the effective level of visibility, you must combine these three channels.


The first step in developing your restaurant brand is identifying the brakes and challenges that come your way. Then, you must act on the points you can change.

According to studies on the catering sector in France, we find that the financial constraints, the increased competition and the difficulty of generating traffic are the common problems for the restaurant owners.

For this, digital presents an effective opportunity to face these challenges.

4 tips for a successful Web design for your website

The design of a website is an essential detail to boost your profit through a website. We usually say “A good design is a good business”. Otherwise, perfect design is a synonym of a great deal. The design shows the image of the corporation and supports the positioning desired by the brand. In addition, your Web design impacts the user experience. The design of your website determines the average time spent by users on your website. Design has several aspects to recognize to engage visitors and provide them a different experience on your website.

A successful Web design

To succeed in your design, here are a few tips you will find helpful.


The appearance of your website is the main source your visitor decision to stay and navigate or to close your website and search elsewhere. Some marketing experts categorize website designs into two categories.

  • An old model website: This category often represents the websites of a standard design that looks like a website from the 90s.
  • Modern website: This category includes websites that adopt modern design trends.

It’s so advisable to apply a stylish design that respects new Web design trends. To help you further, here are the principles to have a modern website:

  • Responsive design: The responsive design is an integrated code in your website. It offers your visitors the opportunity to discover all the elements of your website regardless of the screen they use: smartphone, tablet or on their desktop. In fact, if you check your visit source statistics, you will find that the number of mobile visitors is important, if not the majority. If your website is not responsive, how many conversions opportunities have you lost?
  • Parallax scrolling: The parallax concept effect is simple. Basically, the image or texture in the background scrolls slower than the rest of the website. This technique is used to create the illusion of depth, close to a 3D model, wich gives life to your website.
  • Bold, large and clear typography: This typography has been in the trend for years. The success of this typography is due to the ease of reading content in seconds. It helps your visitors to capture informations without reading the entire content for the first reading.
  • Attractive and high-quality visuals: it’s important to choose your website’s media. We are in video and photos era. In fact, according to a study conducted by Facebook, high quality photos generate a higher engagement rate than a photo with normal quality.

So, if you manage to combine these different practices when designing your website, you encourage your visitor to spend more time on your website. This positively influences your converting rate.


Having a modern website that offers a unique experience to your user is a necessity. But also, it must give the impression that your brand is professional, serious and respectful.

To have your visitor trust, your website should show this image from the very first seconds of your prospects visitors.

In order to bring up this impression, you will need to add some elements into your design such as a corporate page, an introductory section on the home page, staff photos and customer reviews.

  • A business page : you usually find this page under the name « About us ». This page is present in the main menu of your website. It typically presents the brand’s history in details, the company culture and values as well as the brand’s missions and promises for those customers.
  • An introductory section on the home page : on the home page, it is recommended to write a paragraph that describes your brand shorty (5 or 6 lines maximum) with a call to action button to encourage visitors to see more about you on the company page.
  • Staff photos : This is highly recommended especially for SMEs. Your team’s photos and social links to their own accounts such as LinkedIn inspire your users with more confidence.
  • Customer reviews : The first trust source for a customer is recommendations from another customer. You’ve probably noticed that a lot of SMEs websites have integrated this section to show visitors the strenths of their brands through their customers opinion.

Clarity and ease of navigation

When designing your website, try to apply a design that makes it easy for your visitor to find the information needed. A clear and understandable menu must be designed. That’s how your visitor can easily navigate between  pages of your website. In addition to that, set up sub-categories in your menu to better specify the information type for each page. In this case, the customer can find the desired information without the risk of leaving your website before finding what he is looking for.

Download time

Download time is the time that the user waits befor your content appears on a specific page. If the download time of your website is long, the user can leave without even consulting your content. In addition, download time is a key factor in your website SEO. In fact, if your download time is slow, google penalizes your website in terms of positioning. So, we must be careful about the download time of your website.

For that, here are the elements that you must take into consideration to minimize the download time of your website.

  • Optimize image sizes : Images are very important to have an attractive website. But also, if the size of your visuals is very important, you may increase the download time. To optimize your visuals, use images in .jpg forms and always check your images size.
  • Delete auto-play media : you certainly find websites that play videos automatically when you open a specific page. Well, this absolutely must be avoided! Leave the choice to your user whether he wants to consult it or not when you embed videos to your website. If not, you may increase the download time. And also, you may push visitors to abandon your website when your video starts automatically.
  • White space: The white space is the space that contains no information, no text, no pictures and certainly no video. Absolutely nothing!

This white space makes your information clearer, more readable, and also greatly minimizes the download time of your different pages.


Well, if you take in consideration these different secrets when designing your website, or when preparing your specifications, you can maximize you conversion rate and the average visits time. In fact, there are millions of website on the web, and your web design is your first tool to be different.